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Microbiome Field

Here you will find everything you need for sustainable and efficient farming. Our products are designed to improve soil health and promote sustainable yields. In modern agriculture, the importance of healthy soils is undisputed. They form the basis for high-yielding and environmentally friendly practices. Soils are living ecosystems that are home to a variety of plants, animals and microorganisms. At Alganize, our focus is on regenerating soil health to ensure a sustainable supply of healthy food. By using our innovative solutions, you can help maintain soil health while increasing your yields. In a healthy soil, up to 300 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare can be made available to plants by microorganisms. Invest in your future with Alganize and save time and money on inefficient methods. Our products not only offer financial savings, but also help to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable agriculture. Translated with (free version)

  • Microbiome field is obtained from microalgae. Think of microalgae as single-celled plants. Plants secrete root sap to feed beneficial microorganisms and attract them to the roots. We produce these "root juices" highly efficiently.
    We provide you with a liquid soil additive with beneficial prebiotics.

    The application creates a functioning microbiome including a more resistant immune system. This can make nutrients available to the plants, suppress pathogens and improve growth.

  • The metabolites in Microbiome Field act like probiotics for microbial communities in the soil and cause changes in their diversity and abundance. Research shows that Mikrobiom Feld specifically activates and supports the proliferation of Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas Fluorescens, mycorrhizae, Trichoderma sp., PGPR bacteria and Azospirillum. These microbial communities contribute to the availability of important nutrients for the plants and significantly improve the soil properties.

    • Angereicherte Nährstoffaufnahme

    • Verbessertes Pflanzen- und Wurzelwachstum Induziertes mikrobielles Wachstum in Verbindung mit gesünderen Pflanzen

    • Erhöhte Umweltstresstoleranz

    • Verbesserter Ertrag

    • Erhöhter Wasserspeicher

  • Please contact us to discuss your specific situation.

    General application instructions:
    1,000 liters for 30-40 ha (crop and soil dependent) Mikrobiom Field can be applied from spring to autumn.

    The product is safe for tank mixing with other agricultural inputs and manure.

    • Protect from direct sunlight

    • Do not freeze

    • The product remains effective for 24 months from the date of manufacture if stored correctly

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